Leipzig Declaration of the Leipzig Science Network

Das Bild zeigt das Logo des Leipzig Science Network (LSN) und eine bunte Illustration vieler stilisierter Gesichter. Das Logo besteht aus blauen und gelben Quadraten, die sich zu einer Spirale formen. Links vom Logo steht "Leipzig Science Network" in schwarzer Schrift. Die Gesichter sind in verschiedenen Farben gezeichnet und stellen eine diverse Gruppe von Menschen dar. In der Mitte des Bildes steht "Leipziger Erklärung" in schwarzer Schrift, umgeben von den bunten Gesichtern. Die Illustration vermittelt ein Gefühl von Gemeinschaft und Vielfalt im Kontext des wissenschaftlichen Netzwerks. Montage: Leipzig Science Network/freepik/Cyberagentur

Research institutions in Leipzig stand against anti-democratic sentiment and right-wing extremism and for academic freedom, human rights and democracy

The research institutions in the Leipzig region take a firm stand against attacks on our democracy. Respect for the dignity of all people, the free democratic basic order, pluralism, tolerance, international exchange, and diversity are prerequisites for our common life on campus, for successful research and the best study conditions.

The fact that anti-democratic movements are on the rise and misanthropic rhetoric is gaining support fills us with concern. People from all backgrounds and all over the world study and work at our scientific institutions, contributing every day to solving problems and answering pressing questions about the future of our society. Only in freedom can we reflect and work together in this way.

Hatred and marginalisation do not produce solutions. They create fear of discrimination and stifle innovation. We call on people inside and outside our research institutions to defend the fundamental values of democracy at all times and to take a stand against right-wing extremism.

The research institutions in the Leipzig region will continue to bring together people from diverse cultural, geographical, religious and social backgrounds at our cosmopolitan region. We will continue to engage in discussion and conduct our research in an open, fact-based and unbiased manner. These values are essential to us.

Signatory Institutions

  • Academy of Fine Arts
  • Agency for Innovation in Cybersecurity
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI
  • Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
  • German Biomass Research Center – DBFZ
  • Hochschule Merseburg University of Applied Science
  • Helmholtz Institute for Metabolic, Obesity and Vascular Research
  • Helmholtz Centre of Environmental Research
  • Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
  • HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  • Lancaster University Leipzig
  • Leibniz Institute for History and Culture of Eastern Europe – GWZO
  • Leibniz Institute for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow
  • Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, IfL
  • Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research – TROPOS
  • Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM)
  • Leipzig University
  • Leipzig University of Applied Sciences – HTWK Leipzig
  • University of Music and Theatre »Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy« Leipzig – HMT


German Version