
The latest from the Cyberagentur – for the world.

Leipzig Declaration of the Leipzig Science Network

„Research institutions in Leipzig stand against anti-democratic sentiment and right-wing extremism and for academic freedom, human rights and democracy„ The research institutions in the Leipzig region take a firm stand against attacks on our democracy. Respect for the dignity of all people, the free democratic basic order, pluralism, tolerance, international exchange, and diversity are prerequisites […]

HAL2025 ideas competition: open space for innovative ideas

From drones in the air to unmanned robotic systems on the ground Halle (Saale), June 3, 2024 – The Agentur für Innovation in der Cybersicherheit GmbH (Cyberagentur) has launched a nationwide ideas competition at the Halle (Saale) Planetarium. The competition aims to find innovative solutions in the field of “Autonomous Intelligent Systems in the Swarm”. […]

New approaches to microchip security through quantum sensor technology

Cyberagentur seeks partners for “SCA-QS” research project On June 10, 2024, at 3:00 pm, the Agentur für Innovation in der Cybersicherheit GmbH (Cyberagentur) will hold a virtual information and partnering event dedicated to the planned research project “Side-channel attacks with quantum sensing” (SCA-QS). The project aims to explore the application of quantum sensors to identify […]

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Michael Lindner, Pressesprecher der Cyberagentur

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