“Damage caused by cybercrime”: On the way to a cyber-resilient society
Interdisciplinary project launched by the Cyber-Resilient Society unit The Agentur für Innovation in der Cybersicherheit GmbH (Cyberagentur) is initiating the research project “Damage caused by cybercrime”. The aim of the research project is to develop a model for the holistic recording of the material and immaterial effects of cybercrime in order to better allocate resources […]
Audio forensics to obtain location information
“Audio forensics” research project invites you to a partnering event The Agentur für Innovation in Cybersicherheit (Cyberagentur) invites you to a partnering event for the research project “Audioforensik” on 24 June 2024 from 2 to 3:30 pm. The aim is to present the project, share organisational information and network experts. The Cyberagentur is hosting a […]
Leipzig Declaration of the Leipzig Science Network
„Research institutions in Leipzig stand against anti-democratic sentiment and right-wing extremism and for academic freedom, human rights and democracy„ The research institutions in the Leipzig region take a firm stand against attacks on our democracy. Respect for the dignity of all people, the free democratic basic order, pluralism, tolerance, international exchange, and diversity are prerequisites […]