Research assignment: New standards in digital authentication

The Agentur für Innovation in der Cybersicherheit GmbH (Cyberagentur) has launched a new ground-breaking project that aims to take the security of digital identities to a new level. The research project “Digital authentication using novel biometric methods” (AuBi) aims to set new standards for digital authentication using novel biometric methods.
In a world where digital profiles and identities are increasingly interlinked and personal data plays a central role, “AuBi” represents a decisive step towards closing security gaps. By using specific biometric data based on physical, psychological and behavioral characteristics, digital identities are to be made forgery-proof. “We want to effectively prevent the misuse of the digital ‘I’ in the future and significantly strengthen user privacy,” emphasizes project manager Kristin Biegner, research officer in the Cyberagentur Secure Society department.
The project is divided into three innovative subject areas: Stimulus-induced biometrics, behavioral biometrics and universal patterns. Each of these fields offers unique methods for securing authentication processes:
- Stimulus-induzierte Biometrie: Hierbei wird ein spezifischer Reiz ausgesendet, dessen körperliche Reaktion aufgezeichnet und zur Erstellung eines einzigartigen Reiz-Reaktions-Paares verwendet wird. Dieses Verfahren verspricht eine hohe Sicherheit gegenüber Manipulationen und Datendiebstahl.
- Verhaltensbiometrie: Individuelle Verhaltensweisen, wie der Gang oder das Tippen auf einem Smartphone, werden genutzt, um kontinuierliche Authentifizierung zu gewährleisten. Geräte wie Smartphones oder Tablets können dadurch unmittelbar gesperrt werden, wenn sie in die Hände Unbefugter gelangen.
- 3. universal patterns: This exciting new field of research investigates biometric patterns that can be triggered in the same and unique way for all people, and thus represents a promising direction for future authentication strategies.
Researchers are invited to apply to the Cyberagentur and become part of this pioneering initiative that aims to make digital identity more secure. “AuBi opens the door to a new era of digital security that is not only efficient but also user-friendly,” says project manager Kristin Biegner.
The invitation to tender was published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union with the award number 417702-2024: https: // End of the call for tenders is 15.08.2024.
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