Key technology

HAL2025 ideas competition: open space for innovative ideas

From drones in the air to unmanned robotic systems on the ground

Start des Ideenwettbewerbs HAL2025 der Cyberagentur mit Friederike Dahns, seit März 2024 Abteilungsleiterin Cyber- und Informationssicherheit im Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat (Mitte) und Prof. Dr. Christian Hummert Forschungsdirektor der Cyberagentur sowie Projektleiterin Dr. Eva-Maria Heinke, Forschungsreferentin in der Abteilung Schlüsseltechnologien.
Start des Ideenwettbewerbs HAL2025 der Cyberagentur mit Friederike Dahns, seit März 2024 Abteilungsleiterin Cyber- und Informationssicherheit im Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat (Mitte) und Prof. Dr. Christian Hummert Forschungsdirektor der Cyberagentur sowie Projektleiterin Dr. Eva-Maria Heinke, Forschungsreferentin in der Abteilung Schlüsseltechnologien.

Halle (Saale), June 3, 2024 – The Agentur für Innovation in der Cybersicherheit GmbH (Cyberagentur) has launched a nationwide ideas competition at the Halle (Saale) Planetarium. The competition aims to find innovative solutions in the field of “Autonomous Intelligent Systems in the Swarm”. Individuals, universities, research institutions, start-ups and companies are eligible to participate and can submit their ideas until August 31, 2024.

The nationwide ideas competition HAL2025, which was launched on Monday, is looking for concepts in the field of “Autonomous Intelligent Systems in the Swarm” that are highly relevant to Germany’s internal and external security. The aim is to generate a wide variety of ideas and solutions by involving a broad range of participants. The ideas competition kicked off at the Halle Planetarium in the presence of Friederike Dahns, Head of the Cyber and Information Security Department at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs since March 2024, and René Rebenstorf, Alderman for Urban Development and the Environment of the City of Halle (Saale).

“We are trying to reach as broad a target group as possible by advertising the ideas competition to the public,” says project manager Dr. Eva-Maria Heinke. The best idea submitted will be awarded prize money of 100,000 euros and will then serve as the basis for a call for projects from the Cyberagentur in the field of autonomous intelligent systems in the swarm.”

A step into the future of autonomous systems

The use of unmanned autonomous systems is increasing worldwide due to the growing technical possibilities in the fields of robotics, sensor technology and artificial intelligence. It can be assumed that such autonomous systems, such as drones for reconnaissance in crisis or disaster situations or unmanned ground vehicles to support logistics and transportation in conflict situations, will increasingly be deployed in swarms in the future – right up to autonomous emergent alliances controlled by artificial intelligence themselves or by others.

Many technical developments in these areas are still at the beginning of their potential due to the novelty of the technologies used. “However, it can be assumed that innovations in the field of autonomous systems will progress steadily over the next 10 to 15 years and will be accompanied by corresponding empowerment in both the military and civilian sectors – both among German allies and among countries that are not acting in the interests of German security,” explains project manager Dr. Eva-Maria Heinke from the Cyberagentur. “Research progress must be driven forward in this area and invested in disruptive, innovative and daring ideas.”

Investment in technological sovereignty and cyber security

The HAL2025 ideas competition opens up new opportunities for the development and implementation of autonomous systems. These systems play a crucial role in ensuring internal and external security. The competition promotes ideas that previously had little chance of receiving research funding due to the high risk of failure. “The practical implementation of this broad-based open innovation process should unlock disruptive, forward-looking potential and strengthen overall national security,” says Head of Division Dr. Eva-Maria Heinke.

The results of the competition are highly relevant for the Federal Ministry of Defense and the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs as well as their respective subordinate authorities. From drones in the air to unmanned robotic systems on the ground – a variety of key technologies from the field of swarm intelligence of (semi-)autonomous systems with cyber security relevance will become increasingly important in the coming years.

All interested parties – whether individuals, universities, research institutions, start-ups or companies – are therefore invited to take part in the HAL2025 ideas competition and make an important joint contribution to Germany’s technological sovereignty. The important information and documents for the competition will be available from June 3, 2024 on the website and ideas can be submitted on this platform.

The three best submissions will have the chance to win a contract worth 40,000 euros each to develop their idea into a comprehensive concept and will compete for the prize money of 100,000 euros for first place. Second and third place will receive prize money totaling 50,000 euros.

The Cyberagentur is expecting exciting ideas from the most innovative minds from all over Germany to shape the future of autonomous intelligent systems in the swarm.

The project is supported by the Federal Ministry of Defense and the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland.

Further information on the landing page:


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