Alternative Computer Architectures

Seminar Series on Alternative Computer Architectures

2 and 3 July 2024 in Halle (Saale) at the Cyberagentur

27 and 28 August 2024 in the Berlin area

15 and 16 October 2024 in the Bonn area

Please Register for the seminars using this form.

Research Project: Alternative Computer Architectures (ARA)

The Cyberagentur has identified alternative computer architectures as a future technology area. We define alternative computer architectures as anything that differs from the current "conventional computing architecture" with binary logic and semiconductor electronics. This includes all kinds of logical-mathematical computational models (analogue, ternary, neuromorphic, associative, etc.) as well as various physical implementations of computing from physics (e.g., optical), chemistry (e.g., molecular computing), and biology (e.g., slime molds). Quantum computers are not considered because they are treated separately.

Preliminary Study Project and Accompanying Seminars

Due to the diversity of computer architectures, we are currently conducting a preliminary study to classify and compare the different computer architectures and align them with current and future cybersecurity issues. In parallel to this preliminary study, we are conducting seminars. The aim of the seminars is, together with our stakeholders, to create a better understanding of the potential of alternative computing architectures, to identify example use cases and application scenarios, to support the building of a community, in particular between researchers in different fields of alternative computing as well as industry.


Day 1

12:30 - 13:00 Registration

13:00 - 13:15 Welcome

13:15 - 14:15 Keynote

14:15 - 14:30 Break

14:30 - 15:30 Lecture* - Example: Spintronics Computing

15:30 - 16:30 Poster Session / Demonstrators and Prototypes

16:30 - 17:30 Lecture* - Example: DNA Computing

17:30 - 18:30 Networking

Day 2

09:30 - 10:30 Lecture* - Example: Organoid Intelligence

10:30 - 12:00 Development of use cases and scenarios

12:00 - 12:30 Feedback and farewell


The programme items in bold will be available for online participants.

* Some of the presentations will be held online and in English.





Research Project: Alternative Computer Architectures


With the increasing importance and spread of computer technology in society in general and for security in particular, current technologies are reaching their physical limits. To achieve further improvements, new architectures need to be considered. In addition, new architectures could enable new capabilities by being better suited for certain types of problems. They could also be more resistant to certain physical and logical attack vectors. The current production of semiconductors is complicated and depends on strategic raw materials. New architectures could reduce or eliminate this need and enable strategic independence. Finally, computers that are several orders of magnitude more efficient could eliminate the need for a complex and constant power supply, which can play a crucial role on the (battle)field.


This project supports and enables Germany's technological and strategic independence, both for the general public and for the security authorities. In addition, this research secures expertise for potential new future industries and preserves Germany as a centre of innovation.

Project Overview

What is planned?

Alternative computing architectures refer to computing architectures that go beyond the current architecture of binary logic on semiconductor chips.

This includes logical models such as analogue computing, ternary computing, symbolic computing or reservoir computing. It also includes physical implementations such as optical computing, DNA computing, physarum computing (mushrooms) or orgonoid intelligence.

As there are a large number of architectures, the "Alternative Computer Architectures" project was divided into two parts:

Part I - Preliminary Study: a first part will be a preliminary study in which a framework will be created to collect and compare the different architectures and match them with current and future security-related needs and use cases.

Part II - Main project: Based on the results of the preliminary study, a separate research competition is planned to analyse the individual architectures. The content, form, duration and other details are still to be determined, also depending on the results of the preliminary study.

What are the risks? 

Since the current computer technologies are established and intensively researched, it is very likely that the untested technologies investigated in this project will not be able to keep up with the existing ones.


Secure Systems


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